Because it is good for you and it’s very good for our planet

Before you would go to Switzerland to eat chocolate and fondue. Soon it may be to taste flour worms, the domestic cricket and the migratory locust … The Swiss Federal Council has decided to authorize the sale of these insects for consumption as of May 1st. Coop, the second biggest chain in the country, has announced its intention to prepare burgers from insects. And small producers are organizing themselves in Geneva.

“If people can cross the cultural barrier, the taste will prevail over the preconceived notion”

But what about European and Western cultural reluctance to eating insects? According to Sylvia Schibli if people cross the cultural barrier, the taste will prevail over the preconceived notion. But of course, it’s easier to eat pieces breaded in flour than the entire insect. Children seem to have no hesitation. This trend is catching on not only with ecologically conscious people but also as a gourmet curiosity.

Here are some interesting facts about eating insects  :

The taste
The insects surprise by their excellent taste of hazelnut, roast chicken skin, etc …
They are easy to cook and appeal to catering professionals.

Worldwide 2 billion humans have been consuming insects in 90 countries all along.

Western countries lost this food habit in the Middle Ages when the church demonized insects by comparing them to death and filth. Since then, we have an instinctive repulsion at the idea of eating insects.
Dare to cross the cultural barrier!

Ecological consciousness
Humanity needs to eat less meat for various reasons.
Insects are low in fat and have high levels of protein. A small handful of insects = a steak.

It is not a matter of replacing the meat, but of eating less and of better quality with more respect to animals and earth.
One of the main causes of deforestation is the cultivation of soybeans to feed the cattle from intensive industrial farms which are increasing alarmingly.

By eating insects, we contribute to the fight against deforestation, to safeguard traditional ecosystems and breeding and using an alternative to feed the planet.

Cricket anyone ?