People often wonder why and especially how they could gain so much weight over time. In general there are more than one factor involved, many of which are controllable, at least in a certain way when one is at least conscious of it. Here are a few…

If you have started training, especially weight training, do not be surprised if the numbers on the scale go up. In the short term, exercise depletes the reserves of glycogen (sugars) which obviously stimulates the opposite: overcompensation! So not only will the body look more and more to make reserves to survive the workouts but for every gram of sugar you store the body stores 3 grams of water with! I hope you understand here that we do not talk about water retention (harmful) but better cellular hydration (beneficial). In the longer term, you should consider that any muscle training increases or at least maintain anabolism (tissue growth) and appetite, which necessarily helps to maintain a higher weight than those who are sedentary (inactive). If this is your case, you should not dwell on your weight to find out if you lose fat because this variable is automatically skewed. Remember too that fast weight changes are more related to water than to fat because it is over a period of time that the body accumulates or burns fat.

Lack of sleep
There are two problems with sleep-related weight gain. First of all, if you usually wake up late at night, the chances are bigger than you remate in the late evening which obviously means more calories. On the other hand, hormonal disturbances caused by sleep deprivation and affecting recovery increase appetite and disrupt metabolism.

When the demands of life become too intense, the body goes into survival mode which stimulates the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol greatly affects metabolism in addition to stimulating appetite. Nor should we forget the tendency of those who feel stressed or sad to turn to comforting foods that are often rich in sugar and fat (such as chocolate or ice cream).

If you do not make enough thyroid hormones, you probably feel tired and weak and have probably also noticed some physical changes. When thyroid gland is deficient metabolism and automatically affected which makes weight gain much more likely. Even a thyroid that works inside the values ​​considered “normal” can result in weight gain if it is affected by something. Unfortunately, as in many cases, we often turn to drugs to treat hypothyroidism instead of trying to understand the cause (s) of the problem, which in no way helps in weight management. Regardless of how you decided to address the issue, any attempt to alter the metabolism artificially (exogenously) has implications for the natural (endogenous) functioning of the body. Inform yourself of the side effects of the medications you are offered and do not hesitate to ask your doctor what other options are available to you when it comes to a drug that can affect your health and body . It is yours after all and it is you who have the responsibility to take care of it.

One of the main side effects of antidepressants is weight gain. Talk extensively with your doctor and think about what you can do to improve your situation before you use this option because it will have a significant impact on your life. Do not stop or change your medication without talking to your doctor first because stopping abruptly without changing your lifestyle can have even more adverse consequences.

Other drugs
Many prescription medications, including those used to treat migraines, high blood pressure and diabetes, are linked to weight gain as they often affect the metabolism. A drug can also be perceived as an irritant by the body and trigger various complications. Steroidal anti-inflammatories are known to promote weight gain. Unlike physical activity, in this case there is actually talk of “bad” water retention and an increase in appetite without good reason (not stimulated by energy expenditure). Some people may also observe temporary changes at particular locations such as the face, stomach, back and neck. Again, think about what you can do to minimize their use and if you have been prescribed corticosteroids do not stop abruptly without first talking with your doctor.

If you have recently stopped smoking, you may gain some weight in the weeks that follow. However, the majority of substantial weight gains are more related to food overcompensation than a metabolic disorder. On average, a person who quits smoking can expect to earn less than 10 pounds in the short term. Pay attention to how you compensate for your desire to smoke and if you enjoy it to be more active, not only will you maintain your high metabolism but you will also recover your cardiovascular and pulmonary capacities faster!

Among all the possible factors, lack of consistency, overloaded schedules and bad lifestyle habits (including inactivity and junk food) are probably the most common reasons for weight gain. Simply making small lifestyle changes like routine, being more active, better managing your schedule, eating better and being more proactive can be enough to make a difference.